Solar Decade Conference set for Oct. 23 in Milwaukee

From the preliminary agenda for the Solar Decade Conference posted on the conference Web site:

9:15 Opening Keynote Addresses: Solar Electric and Solar Thermal Experts

10:30 Breakout Sessions
Residential Solar Case Studies, Moderator TBD
The Future of the Solar Electric Market, Speaker TBD
Introduction to Solar Thermal Systems, Speaker TBD
Starting a Solar Business Panel, Moderator Michael Allen, Energy Law Wisconsin

12:15 Lunch with presentations by
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee’s Solar Decathlon Team
Solar Market Expert

1:30 Breakout Sessions
Solar Green Building Case Studies, Moderator Sue Loomans, WGBA
Introduction to Solar Electric Systems, Speaker Clay Sterling, MREA
Solar Thermal – Technical Details, Bob Ramlow, Speaker Artha Sustainable Living Center
Growing Wisconsin’s Solar Businesses Panel, Moderator Niels Wolter, Focus on Energy

3:15 Breakout Sessions
Solar Communities, Moderator Tehri Parker, MREA
The Economics of Solar Power, Speaker Niels Wolter Focus on Energy
Market Status of Solar Thermal, Speaker TBD
Marketing: Changing the Solar Dialog, Moderator/Speaker Kelly Lang, Focus on Energy

4:45 End of Conference

Johnson Controls develops solar kits, ‘green’ design

From an article by Tom Content in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Glendale – Tapping the sun’s rays for electricity has remained a small niche in the alternative energy arena.

But with industry forecasts showing the market tripling or more over the next decade, Wisconsin’s largest company wants to help shift perceptions so that energy from the sun is cast in a new, and more mainstream, light.

Johnson Controls Inc. is rolling out new solar kits designed to make it easy for a school district or other customer to add some solar to their energy mix.

“This is our attempt just to take the mystery out of it” for customers, said Don Albinger, director of renewable energy programs for Johnson Controls. “It’s meant to give them their first taste” of solar and their first chance to see their utility electric meter spinning in reverse, he said.

The kits will target colleges, school districts and local governments that are looking to showcase their renewable energy efforts.

The company is also looking to highlight renewable power at its revamped headquarters campus in Glendale and possibly at its downtown Milwaukee office.

The headquarters expansion is part of a broader drive by Johnson Controls to tap demand for energy-saving technologies in buildings and vehicles. The company is forecasting it will add 60,000 jobs worldwide over the next five years – and expand its local work force by 16%, or 450 jobs.

Focus on Energy seeks demonstration project on solar wall collector

From a demonstration project grant announcement by Focus on Energy:

This Demonstration Grant provides financial support for the installation of commercially available transpired solar wall collector systems, which are most commonly used in facilities needing large volumes of make-up air. Focus on Energy seeks applicants with an ideal site to install, assess and promote the use of this little-utilized solar technology. This special Demonstration Grant will give priority to highly visible installations at building sites of organizations with an educational mission. Public facilities with high levels of foot traffic and a means of raising awareness about the technology are encouraged to apply. Examples of highly visible locations include municipal buildings, nature centers, schools, colleges, and museums. Grant applicants are expected to prepare a visual presentation about the system and utilize displays, brochures or on-site kiosks to provide educational information about this solar technology. The project lead or the installation contractor should be prepared to present this material at a Focus-on-Energy-sponsored renewable energy event. Focus on Energy will need access to monitor the system’s energy performance, or we can assist the grant recipient in monitoring, if preferable.

A project’s funding level is based on the size and expected energy savings of the transpired solar wall collector. The maximum reward level is $45,000 and the grant will cover a maximum of 35% of the system’s installed cost for nonprofit or publicly owned facilities and a maximum of 25% for other private facilities. Demonstration Grants of up to 65% or $5,000 will also be granted for the preparation or purchase of visual materials. It is expected that up to three grants will be awarded for this special request for transpired solar wall demonstration. This grant will be funded on a competitive basis with preference given to nonprofit or publicly owned facilities. Funding may be less than the level requested by the applicant.

Focus on Energy’s policy limits awards to no more than $500,000 for any individual or business during each fiscal year. This includes projects contracted between July 1, 2007 and December 31, 2008. There is no restriction on the number of contracts an individual or business can receive within the $500,000 fiscal-year limit.

Volunteer Opportunity: Solar energy, Maroon 5 and you – August 23

From the Vote Solar Initiative:

We are looking for a few volunteers to help out with a fun project.

Vote Solar will be the “headlining” non-profit on Maroon 5’s summer U.S. tour (you can check out their music at There will be Vote Solar banners up around the auditoriums, and the band is going to make a pitch for folks in the audience to check out the Vote Solar booth in the lobby. The purpose of the booth is to get their fans excited about solar energy, and get them signed-up as Vote Solarian activists.

That’s where you come in!

Wisconsin Show:
Marcus Amphitheatre
Milwaukee, WI
August 23, 2008 – Saturday
7:00 pm

We need a few lively, outgoing folks to staff this concert for Vote Solar.

Basically the deal is this: in exchange for free entrance for you and one friend, you need to 1) participate in a conference call prior to the show so we can verse you on a simple pitch; 2) show up at the concert 45 mins. early (we will have a contact person for you to call once you get to the show); 3) talk to fans that come by the booth about the great work Vote Solar is doing across the states and encourage them to sign up as Vote Solar online activists (we will provide you all the materials you will need for this pitch).

When things are slow at the booth, you are welcome to check out the show.

If you are interested in this chance to check out Maroon 5 and promote solar advocacy please let Annie Carmichael know. She can be reached at annie@votesolar.


The Vote Solar Team

The Vote Solar Initiative
300 Brannan Street, Suite 609
San Francisco, CA 94107