by jboullion | Apr 12, 2010 | Uncategorized
From an article in the LaCrosse Tribune:
What do you do after a professional basketball career?
If you’re Will Allen, you found Growing Power Inc., a nonprofit urban farm and food system training center in Milwaukee.
The La Crosse Earth Week Coalition is bringing Allen to La Crosse for a free presentation at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Graff Main Hall auditorium at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Earlier in the day, Allen will visit the Franklin Elementary School Garden with the after-school program.
He will have dinner at 5 p.m. at the Hillview Greenhouse Life Center.
After a short professional basketball career and a number of years in corporate marketing, Allen returned to his roots as a farmer to found Growing Power, a nonprofit that helps provide equal access to healthy, high-quality, safe and affordable food for people in all communities. . . .
The La Crosse Earth Week Coalition is a group of public, private and nonprofit organizations working together to improve the quality of the environment in the Upper Mississippi River Valley. For more information, go to www.greenlacrosse. com.
by jboullion | Apr 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
From an article by Steve Cahalan in the LaCrosse Tribune:
Want to take advantage of the state’s rebate program for energy-efficient appliances? Better buy no later than April 30, officials said.
About half of the money available in the State Energy Efficiency Appliance Rebate Program has been spent, officials said.
Focus on Energy officials also recommend appliance buyers have rebate applications postmarked by May 31 to better qualify.
The state rebate program started Jan. 1 with $5.4 million from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It provides rebates for qualifying energy-efficient appliances, including $25 for a dishwasher, $50 for a freezer, $75 for a refrigerator, $100 for a clothes washer and up to $150 for a water heater.
Rebates are available as well for heating and cooling equipment, such as $200 for a furnace and $75 for a central air conditioner; and renewable energy rebates, such as $2,000 for a solar hot water system. Focus officials recommend consumers buy those items by May 15 and have their rebate application postmarked by June 15.
The date recommendations are based on current demand, but the rebate money could be exhausted sooner, said Bobbi Fey, Focus on Energy assistant director of residential programs.
“It’s really first-come, first-served,” Fey said.
by jboullion | Apr 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
From a report by Chuck Quirmbach on Wisconsin Public Radio:
(STATE CAPITOL) A key lawmaker says some compromises have been reached in the global warming bill now in the State Legislature. But he says more deal-making is ahead.
During the last couple of weeks, legislators have been working behind closed doors trying to agree on changes to the Clean Energy Jobs Act. At an energy forum in Milwaukee, Senate author Mark Miller said some agreements have been reached. The Madison-area Democrat says there are deals on idling of trucks, reducing carbon in transportation fuels, tariffs for utilities purchasing power from renewable sources, and whether to link Wisconsin car fuel efficiency standards to California’s. He says the golden state plan is gone.
Miller says the plan to reduce carbon in fuels ran into a lot of opposition, and wasn’t a major part of the bill. The changes are good news to the Democrats leading candidate for governor, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Barrett says any new carbon in fuels standard would also have hurt the state.
Sen. Miller says lawmakers are also trying to accelerate job creation goals in the Clean Energy Jobs Act. He says he’s hoping to announce final compromises next week.
by jboullion | Apr 5, 2010 | Uncategorized

A news release issued by Advocates for Renewable Energy:
The Union of Concerned Scientists has released a study on the 25% Renewable Portfolio Standard and Energy Efficiency provisions within the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA), confirming the findings of the Public Service Commission that CEJA will result in lower electricity bills than under a business as usual approach.
With a 25% Renewable Portfolio Standard, consumer electricity bills will be $34 million lower in 2015 and $59 million lower in 2025, compared with a business as usual approach. CEJA will result in cumulative cost savings to electricity ratepayers of $140 million by 2025. The report concludes that the Clean Energy Jobs Act will protect consumers from rising energy prices by investing in local sources of energy with stable and predictable long-term costs.
by jboullion | Mar 28, 2010 | Uncategorized
From a news release issued by Clean Wisconsin:
Regionally Diverse Large and Small Businesses Among Supporters
MADISON — In a show of support for the Clean Energy Jobs Act, the Wisconsin business community delivered a letter signed by over 200 Wisconsin businesses to state legislators today highlighting the economic and job-creation benefits of strong energy efficiency and renewable energy policies.
“As businesses currently working in the production, installation and maintenance of energy efficiency and renewable energy systems we understand better than anyone that clean energy policies create jobs and stimulate local economies,” read the letter. “By enacting statewide policies that will help Wisconsinites make their homes and businesses more energy efficient or invest in renewable energy, the state Legislature will create thousands of jobs and help support local businesses like ours…”
Studies have repeatedly demonstrated the job-creation potential of the Clean Energy Jobs Act. A recent study from the Office of Energy Independence estimates that the bill would create over 15,000 jobs in the state.
“Wisconsin’s businesses support the Clean Energy Jobs Act because they recognize its enormous potential to create jobs and aid economic recovery,” said Keith Reopelle, senior policy director at Clean Wisconsin. “With strong renewable energy and energy efficiency policies, Wisconsin can become a leader in the production of clean energy technologies.”
“Clean energy policies like those in the Clean Energy Jobs Act help businesses like Wave Wind grow,” said Dionne Lummus at Wave Wind Energy located in Sun Prairie. “Increased demand for renewable energy means an increased demand for our services, which translates to more jobs and economic growth in Wisconsin.”
A report released this morning by the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that securing 25 percent of the state’s renewable electricity by 2025, a main provision of the bill, is affordable and easily achievable. In fact, the report illustrates that generating 25 percent of Wisconsin’s current electricity load would require only 5 percent of the state’s renewable energy potential.