Switchgrass Establishment & Maintenance Practices for Biomass Production Field-Day

From an announcement distributed by Southwest Badger RC & D Council:

September 3, 2009
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
1291 Rawson Lane, Platteville, Wisconsin

Southwest Badger Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Council is in the second year of a project to determine the best management practices for maximizing switchgrass yields in Southwest Wisconsin. The field day will provide a tour of demonstration plots planted in 2008 at the Jim and Terry Schaefer farm. NRCS and Southwest Badger staff will provide an overview of the project and discuss the various field trials being conducted. Researchers from UW Madison will provide information on weed pressure resulting from the various herbicide treatments and how that corresponds to yield. Fertility trials implemented in 2009 will be viewed and discussed. A side-by-side comparison of pure switchgrass plantings and a nine species prairie mix will be observed. A representative of Alliant Energy will discuss their plans to perform a test burn of switchgrass at the Cassville plant this fall.

Clunkers program nears end

From an Associated Press article by Dan Strumpf and Ken Thomas in The Capital Times:

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is developing plans to wind down the popular Cash for Clunkers program and could announce by Friday when the incentives will no longer be available.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Wednesday the department would announce within 48 hours how it intends to discontinue the program that offers car buyers rebates of $3,500 or $4,500 for trading in older vehicles for new, more fuel-efficient models. Department officials met with car dealer trade groups on Wednesday to discuss how the program will eventually end and respond to complaints over a backlog of rebate payments to dealers.

Through early Wednesday, auto dealers have made deals worth $1.81 billion and are on pace to exhaust the program’s $3 billion in funds in early September. The incentives have generated more than 435,000 vehicle sales but dealers want a clear plan on when the rebates will no longer be available so they don’t end up on the hook for any of the incentives.

“We want to make sure that dealers know when we’re getting close” to running out of the money that was allocated for the program, LaHood told reporters. LaHood said he recognized that “dealers are frustrated. They’re going to get their money.”

Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing, Oct. 6-8, Milwaukee

The Wisconsin Machine Tool Show (WMTS) features an Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Pavilion to introduce show participants to energy efficient, lean, green, and sustainable manufacturing processes.

The American Wind Energy Association will have a presentation on the wind industry supply chain.

Dave Jenkins from the Office of Energy Independence will update show attendees on ARRA programs and funds.

The German-American Chamber of Commerce will make two presentations:
+ Energy Efficiency in Germany: How U.S. Manufacturers Can Benefit;
+ Supply Chain Opportunities in Renewable Energy.

Focus on Energy will be the Gold Sponsor of the Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Pavilion. They plan to make a presentation each day of the show:
+ Controlling your Energy Costs – An overview of Focus on Energy;
+ A Case Study on Energy Efficiency;
+ Save Energy, Save Money – Getting started with energy self-assessments for small-mid size industrial facilities.

MATC’s Center for Energy Conservation and Advanced Manufacturing and RENEW are also sponsors.

Onalaska HS get energy-testing equiment from Focus on Energy grant

From a story on WKBT:

Students at Onalaska High School will get the chance to see their carbon footprint. Onalaska High School was awarded a “Focus on Energy in Wisconsin” grant.

Teachers were able to buy six digital thermometers and energy watt meters with the grant money. The digital thermometers measure energy efficiency, for example, they can be used to test for air leaks around windows.

And the energy watt meters can be plugged into an appliance or gadget, like an iPod or a cell phone, to show how much electricity that appliance is using.