Renewable installations will be exempt from state sales tax

State law exempts wind, solar, and anaerobic digester systems from the sales and use tax, effective July 2009.

In order to be considered an eligible product, devices must be capable of producing at least 200 watts of alternating current or 600 British thermal units per day. The exemption under does not apply to uninterruptible power sources that are designed primarily for computers.

The law also exempts “receipts from the sale of and the storage, use, or other consumption of electricity or energy” produced by a qualifying system.

Local campuses thinking green

From an article by K.J. Lang in the La Crosse Tribune:

Although it’s winter, local college campuses look greener than ever.

La Crosse campuses are promoting recycling and energy conservation initiatives this year.

“In my eyes, the best place to set an example for everyone else in the community is at a university,” said Matt Groshek, a University of Wisconsin-La Crosse senior and environmental sustainability director for the UW-L Student Association.

UW-L students voted last year to tag an additional $5 per semester onto tuition for a Green Fund for renewable energy and energy-efficiency projects.

Chancellor Joe Gow also signed the Talloires Declaration, a 10-point plan committing the university to environmental issues. One point was to set up practices of resource conservation, recycling, waste reduction and environmentally sound operations.

Sustainability efforts since have snowballed, said Groshek.

“The environmental crisis on a national level hits home,” he said. “Students look around and say, ‘What can we do?’”

UW-L is competing in Recyclemania, a challenge among colleges and universities nationwide to see which campus can reduce, reuse and recycle the most campus waste from Jan. 18 to March 28.

UW-L now ranks 183rd among 287 colleges and universities, recycling an average of about 2 pounds per person over two weeks, according to the Recyclemania Web site.

UW-L residence halls are taking on the “Chancellor’s Energy Challenge” to see which hall can conserve the most energy in one month through March 8. A tree will be planted on campus to honor the winning hall.

“The biggest challenge to making conservation changes are getting people to look at the decisions they make on a daily basis a little differently,” said Dan Sweetman, environmental and sustainability program manager at UW-L.

Another La Crosse campus has ramped up its efforts to conserve energy and recycle as well.

Recycling has increased each month since Viterbo University doubled the number of recycle bins and color coded them on campus in August, said Dennis Kolb, assistant director of Viterbo’s physical plant. The university also decided to turn down all building thermostats a few notches to 69 degrees this semester to save energy, he said.

Video takes you to top of wind turbine

Go inside the core and climb to the very top of a Vestas V82 wind turbine in the Top of Iowa 3 Wind Farm.

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From Madison Gas and Electric’ renewable energy channel Green View.

Fennimore schools join Energy Star challenge

From a news release issued by Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton:

Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton today announced that the Fennimore Community School District accepted the Lt. Governor’s Energy Star School Challenge, a commitment to reduce energy consumption by ten percent.

“School districts are true leaders when it comes to energy efficiency,” Lawton said. “Tight budgets demand it. I am proud that the leaders of the Fennimore Community School District have accepted the challenge to be better stewards of taxpayer dollars and of the environment.”

”Our energy management team is excited about the Lt. Governor’s energy challenge,” said Fennimore Community School District Superintendent Jamie Nutter. “Our school board has supported this challenge, which will serve as an additional incentive for implementing good energy management practices. In addition to setting a good example for our students, this initiative will lower our energy expenses.”

Lt. Governor Lawton issued her Energy Star School Challenge in April of 2008 as part of her Green Economy Agenda. Lawton said that her goal for the challenge is to commit at least 100 new school districts, nearly 25 percent of all Wisconsin school districts, to reduce their energy costs by at least 10 percent.

Participating organizations simply agree to:

+ Make a commitment to improve energy efficiency by 10 percent or more.
+ Measure and track the energy performance of the district facilities where possible. Tools are available through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star program at no cost.
+ Develop and implement a plan consistent with the EPA Energy Star Energy Management Guidelines to achieve energy savings.
+ Educate staff and community members about energy efficiency. . . .

According to the EPA, U.S. schools currently spend $6 billion a year on energy costs, more than they spend on textbooks and computers combined. Inefficient technologies and design rob them of an average of 20% of that energy purchased.

“With high energy costs looming on the horizon and sure losses to districts with the inefficiencies inherent to their aging building stock, school leaders need access to an easy way to begin to change operations and habits,” Lawton said. “Different districts may follow distinct paths to increased efficiency, but they will all experience improved performance and health with better lighting and air quality. And they will all realize significant savings that became addictive and drive continued work toward greater efficiency.”

La Crosse County to debate merits of sustainability proposal

From an article by Richard Mial in the La Crosse Tribune:

The joint city-county sustainability plan could be challenged at Thursday’s meeting of the La Crosse County Board.

The plan calls for greater energy efficiency, the use of cleaner energy and practices that don’t harm the environment.
It also calls for community education, the availability of living-wage jobs, access to affordable housing and health care, and opportunities for recreation and the arts.

The plan includes such recommendations as increased mass transit, a shared-car program similar to one being offered in Madison and efforts to encourage more city employees to live in La Crosse and more city and county employees to live closer to where they work.