Minn. to host high-speed rail public meeting in La Crosse, Nov. 30

From an article by Joe Lanane in The Daily Reporter:

The Minnesota Department of Transportation will host a pair of public meetings on the proposed high-speed rail line from Milwaukee to Minneapolis-St. Paul despite assurances from Gov.-elect Scott Walker that he will kill the project in Wisconsin.

Since March, MnDOT has studied the environmental impact of possible routes between the two cities. During the two open houses, agency officials will provide updates and seek public input on their findings. . . .

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, which partnered with MnDOT on the study, will host its own public meeting in La Crosse to discuss the extended portion of the proposed rail from Madison to the Twin Cities. The hearing will take place 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 30 at the La Crosse Best Western Riverfront hotel.

200 people rally to support rail line

From an article by Tom Daykin in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

About 200 people attended a Saturday rally at Milwaukee’s Amtrak-Greyhound station, asking Governor-elect Scott Walker to back off his pledge to cancel contracts for a planned Milwaukee-to-Madison passenger rail line.

Rally speakers said the rail service would create badly need jobs, provide a more environmentally friendly alternative to driving, and link Milwaukee and Madison to a national rail network that includes Chicago – and eventually Minneapolis.

Without that link, said state Sen. Spencer Coggs (D-Milwaukee), Wisconsin “will be isolated from the rest of the national rail network.”

The rally, organized by the Sierra Club and other groups, was part of a statewide action that included rallies in Madison, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Oshkosh and Watertown.

Milwaukee rally organizers asked the crowd to write or call Walker.

Walker says the estimated annual costs to state taxpayers of operating the train, $7.5 million once fare revenue is subtracted, would be too high for an underused and unneeded service.

Governor-elect Walker should get on board

From a post by Wallace White, principal and CEO of Milwaukee’s W2EXCEL LLC, on the BizTimes blog:

Here are my reasons for supporting high speed rail for Wisconsin:

$810 million of work for our engineering firms and contractors and some of our minority and women owned companies. For example, Norris and Associates, a Milwaukee based African-American engineering firm, had won a subconsultant contract with a HSR engineering company. He had just hired 3 engineers and now has had to lay them off. The same is true for all the other companies who had just started to work on HSR contracts.

The returned money may not just go to Illinois or New York where there are Democratic governors. Other Republican governors would love to have the money. Gov. Rick Perry and the Republican administration of the state of Texas is seeking HSR funds to run trains between Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Houston. The Republican administration of the state of South Carolina has applied for HSR funding to connect Savannah, Charleston, Florence and parts of North Carolina. The Republican administration of Minnesota has joined the Democratic administration of Wisconsin to study HSR between Minneapolis & Madison. They have received $1 million of planning money from the federal government.

The United States is in competition with the rest of the world for economic survival. Transportation is a large part of this global effort – we are competing with Japan, China, Brazil and Europe – all of which have already committed to some form of HSR to expand their economy, reduce pollution, provide service to rural areas and to the poor. Wisconsin Governor-elect Scott Walker should understand – this is part of a bigger picture. . . .

High-speed rail open houses set

From an article in the La Crosse Tribune:

Wisconsin Gov.-elect Scott Walker has said he will halt the state’s participation in the high-speed rail project.

But open houses for the environmental impact study on the proposed Milwaukee-Twin Cities high-speed passenger rail corridor remain set for Nov. 30 in La Crosse, Nov. 29 in St. Paul, Minn., and Dec. 6 in Rochester, Minn., the Minnesota Department of Transportation said Wednesday.

The study, which began in March, will analyze all possible routes for high-speed passenger rail between Milwaukee and the Twin Cities, MnDOT said. La Crosse- and Winona-area leaders have sought to have the high-speed corridor follow Amtrak’s Empire Builder route through the region.

The Wisconsin DOT will host the La Crosse open house from 5 to 7 p.m., with a brief presentation at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 30 at the Best Western Riverfront Hotel, 1835 Rose St. Public comments will be accepted at the open houses and through the Minnesota DOT’s website beginning Nov. 29.

Rally for trains this Saturday! Noon, Nov. 20, Intermodal Station

Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can’t afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values.

When: Saturday, November 20th, 12:00 – 12:45 p.m

Where: Milwaukee Intermodal Station, 433 West St. Paul Ave

Who: Congresswoman Gwen Moore (invited); Sen. Spencer Coggs, SD 6; Robert Craig, Citizen Action; Rosemary Wehnes, Sierra Club; Phil Neuenfeldt, AFL CIO (invited), and You. More details.

If we want to save this train, we need to speak up now! Join us as we tell Scott Walker that Wisconsin can’t afford to say NO over $800 million dollars in federal grant funds for this project, 9,570 permanent jobs, and increased property values. Let’s extend the popular Hiawatha service connecting Chicago and Milwaukee. Let’s create a safe, convenient efficient way to travel throughout the Midwest. We can make a difference, IF we stand together. Please attend and bring a friend!