by jboullion | Sep 23, 2008 | Uncategorized
RENEW Wisconsin’s summer/fall edition of Wisconsin Renewable Quarterly is now online, including the following articles:
Peak Oil Spices Meeting with Cong. Baldwin
Countdown to Solar Tour
Solar H2O on Madison Fire Stations
Global Warming Task Force Report
Wisconsin’s Newest Wind Projects
PHEV+Wind=Clean Air
Small Wind Conference Wrap-up
by jboullion | May 7, 2008 | Uncategorized
From an article by Stephanie Brien in The Journal Times (Racine):
RACINE — Julie Conigliaro is the proud new owner of a neighborhood electric vehicle, thanks to a City Council decision Tuesday night. Following the City Council’s vote to allow electric vehicles to drive in city limits, Conigliaro signed the dotted line on her new car.
“I’m really happy with it,” said Conigliaro, 41, literally jumping off the ground outside the City Council chambers after they unanimously approved the ordinance. In accordance with state law, the city had to approve an ordinance before neighborhood electric vehicles could be driven within city limits. The new ordinance allows electric cars on all city streets with a speed limit of 35 mph or less.
Madison adopted a similar ordinance in April and Union Grove is in the process of drafting its own ordinance.
“It’s good for the environment, but it’s also good for my pocketbook,” Conigliaro said.
The car cost her $10,500 and will only cost her pennies each time she charges it.
She bought her car from a dealer in Wausau, which is currently only one of five in the state.
Conigliaro lives on 3335 Victorian Dr. and drives four miles every day to her job at SC Johnson.