Eau Claire seeks input on more sustainable comprehensive plan, Dec. 11

From the green Web site of the City of Eau Claire:

Sustainability “is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This definition has come to mean not only meeting human needs, but environmental and economic as well. Thus, to do its part, the City of Eau Claire is conducting a process to amend its Comprehensive Plan addressing green issues more adequately.

Eau Claire’s Comprehensive Plan has won ‘Excellence in Planning’ awards by the Wisconsin Chapter of American Planner’s Association for both our 1993 and 2005 plans. Although there are many sustainable development goals, objectives and policies already listed in the 2005 plan, more could be addressed in the areas of energy, recycling, waste, green buildings, food production, and climate change. Thus, this amendment process will seek community input on these and other issues as we increase our efforts towards creating an even more sustainable future.

A series of Community Workshops will be held in the River Rooms on the ground floor of Royal Credit Union Corporate Center, 200 Riverfront Terrace, Eau Claire, WI, 54703. The next workshop is on December 11, 2008 at 7 p.m.

Four priorities for Conservation Lobby Day, Feb. 25, 2009

From an announcement issued by the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters:

With a new legislative session comes new opportunities AND new Conservation Priorities! At the 11 Listening Sessions held around the state, local groups and citizens like YOU had a lot to say about which issues should be top priorities. In the end, only 4 can rise to the top.

In 2009-2010, the conservation community will be fighting to make sure:

+ Wisconsin adopts a strong statewide plan to tackle global warming.
+ Wisconsin returns to an Independent DNR Secretary and has timely DNR Board Appointments by the Senate.
+ Wisconsin develops a statewide plan to protect our drinking water.
+ Wisconsin creates standards for safe agricultural, industrial and municipal waste-spreading. . . .

On February 25th, 2009, join citizens from across Wisconsin at the state Capitol to tell legislators that you expect them to vote well on natural resource issues.

RSVP TODAY for Conservation Lobby Day on February 25th, 2009!

St. Croix Institute for Sustainable Community Development

From the institute’s description of itself:

Founded in May of 2007, the Institute is a “go-to” resource for every context of “Sustainability in the St. Croix River Watershed.” Besides the “walk the talk” service it provides to the UWRF campus community, it is the primary resource for regional, county, town, and municipal leaders seeking assistance with sustainable community development (SCD) in response to the myriad of environmental, social, and economic challenges.

Through a holistic, systems-thinking approach, Institute staff, faculty experts, student interns, and research teams from UWRF are coordinated to address the breadth and depth of comprehensive planning, development, and commercial issues that ultimately define the quality of “The River” and the quality of life in the valley.

This includes, but is not limited to:

+ Assisting the region in a comprehensive benchmarking and tracking of integrated data on ecologic integrity, social justice, and economic vitality;
+ Achieving maximum self-sufficiency and commercial value for local food, fuels, water, housing, transportation, native habitat, and carbon sequestration systems; and
+ Partnerships across all social contexts, from the arts to community health, job development, education, and other civic engagement initiatives.

Polk County: 25 X 25?

From a post by on Ecomunicipality.com:

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle’s Office of Energy Independence has received a good deal of support from folks in Polk County. Created by Governor Doyle on April 5, 2007 with the mission to advance energy independence in the State of Wisconsin, the goals of the OEI include:

1. Generating 25% of our state’s electricity and transportation fuels from renewable resources by 2025.

2. Capturing 10% of the emerging bioindustry and renewable energy market by 2030.

3. Leading the nation in groundbreaking research that will make renewable energy more affordable and will create good paying Wisconsin jobs.

Last February the Polk County Renewable Energy Committee invited OEI representatives to meet with local elected officials at the Paradise Landing restaurant in Balsam Lake. Secretary of Agriculture Rod Nilsestuen joined in addressing the large group that came to learn how state and local governments might work together to lessen our dependence on energy sources from outside Wisconsin.

Eligibility relaxed for energy-efficiency assistance

More Wisconsin residents may now be eligible for Focus on Energy’s assistance program which offers limited-income homeowners low-cost efficiency improvements to improve the comfort, safety and affordability of their homes. The assistance program called Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®, is now seeking applications from homeowners with incomes between 150-250 percent of the poverty level, which is a significant increase from the past maximum of 200 percent. To put the new maximum into perspective, a family of four’s maximum eligible annual income increased to $53,000 from the previous $42,400. . . .

Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, is part of Focus on Energy, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy program. Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR offers qualifying homeowners a no-cost energy evaluation performed by a qualified program provider. Depending on the results of the evaluation, the home may receive energy efficiency improvements, such as adding insulation, finding and eliminating drafts, replacing an inefficient heating system, installing compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and more. Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR will pay 90 percent of the costs of the energy efficiency improvements – the homeowner pays just 10 percent.

Energy efficient homes save energy and money all year long. In summer, a home that’s properly sealed and insulated stays cooler and more comfortable, reducing the need for fans and air conditioners during hot daylight hours. In winter, energy efficient homes keep warm air inside, improving comfort and reducing heating costs during Wisconsin’s coldest months.

Homeowners wishing to apply for Targeted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR are encouraged to call Focus on Energy at (800) 762-7077 or visit focusonenergy.com to download an application.