Farmers Union policy priorities included in Clean Energy Jobs Act

From a news release issued by the Wisconsin Farmers Union:

Chippewa Falls, Wis. (January 21, 2010) – Three programs from the Wisconsin Farmers Union’s Homegrown Renewable Energy Campaign will be included in Wisconsin’s Clean Energy Jobs Act. During a news conference today with Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Secretary Rod Nilsestuen, WFU Executive Director Scott Schultz said the farm organization is encouraged by the inclusion of several provisions in the bill that would benefit family farmers.

“This bill has potential for setting Wisconsin up for economic success by playing to family farmers’ strengths,” Schultz said. “The bill recognizes that farmers are part of the solution-not the problem-in securing a future rooted in homegrown, renewable energy.”

One of the bill’s provisions allows the Public Service Commission to set known buyback rates for the generation of renewable energy on the farm.

“Farmers and landowners who build cost-effective renewable energy installations will have guaranteed fixed rates to sell their electricity,” Schultz said. “Electric companies will see benefits from those installations by receiving clean-energy credits that can be used in meeting state requirements.”

Green Drinks tonight in Eau Claire

Green Drinks Tonight!
5PM @ Dooley’s

Eau Claire Green Drinks
The Backroom of Dooley’s Pub (Corner of 5th and Water St)

Come relax with friends and make some new ones as we get together and discuss environmental issues that are important to YOU at Eau Claire’s Green Drinks. Green Drinks is an opportunity for folks interested in “green” environmental issues to come together over drinks and conversations to find out what interesting things are going on in the Chippewa Valley. Green Drinks is unique because there is no agenda, there are no dues, there’s no board of directors – it’s just a social opportunity for people to come together and talk with other like-minded environmentalists about ideas, events, and issues going on around our community.

A common sentiment often heard in the local environmental community is that there is no clearinghouse of information regarding environmental issues. Green Drinks has already successfully served Wisconsin communities as a place to share ideas in La Crosse, Madison, and Green Bay – it’s time to add Eau Claire to that list!

Potawatomi launch ad campaign in support of Clean Energy Jobs Act

From a news release issued by the Forest County Potawatomi Community:

Crandon, Wis. – The Forest County Potawatomi Community began an advertising campaign Monday in support of the Clean Energy Jobs Act, state legislation that economists predict will create a minimum of 15,000 new jobs in Wisconsin and end up lowering electric bills in the state.

“Protecting Mother Earth and the resources She provides is a cornerstone of the Potawatomi people,” said Jeff Crawford, Forest County Potawatomi Attorney General. “Wisconsin needs to seize this opportunity to reduce the carbon pollution that threatens Wisconsin for the worse while also creating thousands of jobs for Wisconsin families.”

Crawford added, “The Potawatomi support the Clean Energy Jobs Act and will aggressively work to ensure passage. The bill will be a real boost to Wisconsin’s economy.”

The Clean Energy Jobs Act is based on recommendations from the Global Warming Task Force. The Task Force was formed to investigate ways the Wisconsin could reduce its greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously creating jobs and growing the state’s economy. Representatives from Wisconsin businesses, environmental groups, utilities and other interested stakeholders voted in favor of a final report containing roughly 60 recommendations. The Forest County Potawatomi was a member of the Global Warming Task Force.

Among the major recommendations from the Task Force is the proposal that 25% of Wisconsin’s electricity come from renewable sources by 2025.

Public opinion research has found that a majority of Wisconsin voters favor action by the State to reduce carbon pollution and believe state action will grow clean energy jobs.

Wisconsin’s business community is a house divided

From a post by Steve Jagler on Milwaukee Biz Blog:

The controversy over Gov. Jim Doyle’s proposed Clean Energy Jobs Act illustrates a deep philosophical divide that is emerging within Wisconsin’s business community.

In some ways, the emerging chasm pits the politics of tomorrow against the politics of yesterday.

On one side of the divide – in favor of the green jobs plan – stand the coalition for Clean, Responsible Energy for Wisconsin’s Economy (CREWE) and the Wisconsin Business Council.

The CREWE includes venerable companies such as CleanPower, Alliant Energy, EcoEnergy, Johnson Controls Inc., Xcel Energy, C5•6 Technologies, Axley Brynelson, Madison Gas and Electric, Orion Energy Systems, Forest County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin Energy Corp., Poblocki Sign Company, Emerging Energies of Wisconsin, MillerCoors, American Transmission Co., WPPI Energy, DTE Energy Services and Kranz, Inc. . . .

The plan also has the support of the Wisconsin Business Council, which includes leaders from several of the state’s key businesses, including American Transmission Co., Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, AT&T Wisconsin, Commerce State Bank, Dean Health System, Midwest Natural Gas, MillerCoors, Mortenson Construction, Orion Energy Systems and Park Bank (in Madison). . . .

On the other side of the divide stands the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC), which is joined by 22 other business organizations, including the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC), in opposition to Doyle’s proposal.

The WMC cited a study by the conservative Wisconsin Policy Research Institute that contends the proposed green legislation would kill 43,093 private-sector jobs in Wisconsin. . . .

Adding even more intrigue to this philosophical divide among Wisconsin’s business community is the fact that many members of the CREWE and the Wisconsin Business Council in favor of the green jobs plan also are dues-paying members of the WMC, the MMAC and the other organizations that are against the plan.

“It’s really created massive fault lines within the business community between the deniers (of global warming) and those that think something must be done,” said Thad Nation of the CREWE. “It’s probably going to get messier before it gets better.”

Act now on climate change

From a commentary in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel by Roy Thilly, president and CEO of WPPI Energy and co-chair of the Governor’s Task Force on Global Warming:

This year, Wisconsin will consider important legislation that tracks the nearly unanimous recommendations of Gov. Jim Doyle’s Global Warming Task Force to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The scientific consensus is very strong that climate change is occurring as a result of carbon emissions and the long-term costs of inaction will be very significant. It would be imprudent not to take action.

Our country’s leading corporations are aggressively reducing emissions. They recognize that getting ahead of the curve is essential to be competitive. The same is true for Wisconsin. The legislation will help Wisconsin become much more efficient and energy independent. It embraces economic growth through the green manufacturing opportunities and skilled jobs required to address climate change. We can either pursue these opportunities or cede them to other states.

The legislation will be hotly debated. Interest groups will commission studies designed to support their agendas. Opponents will exaggerate cost and ignore the price of inaction. The Global Warming Task Force worked very hard to mitigate costs for consumers in its recommendations.

Forty years ago, our country confronted a similar crossroads when it debated legislation for clean water and air. Studies were presented to show this legislation would destroy our economy. It did not. Rivers in our industrial centers no longer catch on fire. While the environmental regulations adopted are not perfect, we are all much better off.

Key elements of the bill include:

• Dramatically increased energy conservation and efficiency programs. We waste a tremendous amount of energy at great cost. We cannot continue to do so and be competitive. The task force unanimously recommended that conservation be our highest priority. Major Wisconsin corporations recently announced they will reduce their energy consumption by 25%. We can all do the same, keeping our dollars in Wisconsin. Conservation lowers utility bills in the face of rising costs, enables utilities to avoid building expensive new power plants, reduces emissions now and will significantly cut the cost for Wisconsin of any future federal cap and trade program. It is a no-brainer.

• Significantly increased use of renewable energy resources by 2025. This means developing new solar, wind and biomass generation in Wisconsin. Greater reliance on local renewables will create manufacturing opportunities and skilled jobs, improve reliability, increase energy independence and reduce the need for expensive new transmission lines.

• Modification of the state’s nuclear plant moratorium to allow new nuclear plants to compete against other resources to meet Wisconsin’s long-term electricity needs. To be built, these plants will have to be shown to be safe and the best available alternative. Wisconsin’s three nuclear units have been the low-cost workhorses of the system since the 1970s. Many believe that nuclear power will be a key component to a low carbon future, but as the task force recognized, conservation, efficiency and more renewable resources should come first.