Iowa farmers comment on wind farm: Wow! Cool. Beautiful. They take my breath away!

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Bill could change wind industry in Wisconsin

From a story by Colby Robertson on WAOW-TV:

CUSTER (WAOW) — Wisconsin Lawmakers are discussing a bill that would increase wind production and jobs throughout the state.

The bill would determine where wind power projects in Wisconsin could be built.

Currently, smaller wind projects are regulated by municipal or local rules, making it difficult to develop small and medium sized wind farms.

A spokesperson for the environmental group Clean Wisconsin says this bill is an easy way for lawmakers to create jobs in our state at almost no expense to the taxpayer.

According to the American Wind Energy Association, Wisconsin is 15th in the Country when it comes to installing wind projects, but some local wind experts hope this legislation will push Wisconsin to the top.

Supporters say this bill would not only change the wind industry, but it could bring hundreds of thousands of jobs to the area.

RENEW Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Farmers Union, along with Clean Wisconsin, launched a campaign in December of 2008 to support the proposal and other renewable energy initiatives.

Forward on renewables

From an editorial in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

No one should consider the radar problems posed by a Dodge County wind farm as a reason to slow the push for more wind-generated power in Wisconsin. While the issue needs to be explored, it isn’t significant enough to warrant slowing down the move toward more renewable energy.

The state needs more wind farms and other renewable sources if it’s going to move away from fossil fuels that help contribute to pollution and climate change.

According to the National Weather Service, the wind farm’s turbines are sending false storm signals to the government’s weather radar system. Weather service officials say they see no significant public safety threat, although they say the wind farm could confuse some storm watchers.

Meteorologist Marc Kavinsky told the Journal Sentinel’s Scott Williams that the approaching summer storm season will be the federal agency’s first opportunity to gauge the wind farm’s full impact.

Just outside the Dodge County community of Iron Ridge, the wind farm includes 36 turbines that began operating over the past few months, generating electricity for several surrounding communities.

A spokesman for the owner of the wind farm, Babcock and Brown Ltd., said the company has not encountered a similar problem with any of its other 24 wind farms operating throughout the country.

Wind siting bill back after stalling in '08

From a post on Tom Content’s blog on JSOnline:

A bill to create uniform siting standards for wind power projects across Wisconsin is being introduced again after stalling a year ago.

Sen. Jeff Plale (D-South Milwaukee), chair of the Senate Energy and Utilities Committee, is circulating a bill that would call on the state Public Service Commission to develop uniform siting standards for wind power projects across the state.

Wisconsin state law requires large wind power proposals to be reviewed and approved by the state Public Service Commission, but leaves smaller projects in the hands of local governments.

Several counties and communities around the state have enacted ordinances that amount to bans on wind power, however. His bill would call on the state Public Service Commission to engage with counties, towns, utilities and others on developing a comprehensive set of standards that wind projects would have to follow.

“We made it a priority in this state to harness wind, and if we’re going to do that we can’t have one township or one village dictating energy policy for the rest of the state,” Plale said. “We have to have a comprehensive look at it. That’s what we’re getting at.”

Plale said the bill is expected to fare better this year because it is being handled earlier in the legislative session and there is less confusion about what the bill would do.

Energy Composites (Wisconsin Rapids) announces new wind industry product

From a news release on Yahoo! Finance:

WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Energy Composites Corporation (OTCBB:ENCC – News) announced the launch of its comprehensive WindFiber™ composites-in-wind-energy program. WindFiber™ is the strategic umbrella under which we carry out our wind-related innovation, engineering, customer proposition, production and services planning, and logistics activities to drive value for the sector.

Sam Fairchild, ECC’s CEO, stated that “Our comprehensive strategy platform — which we have named WindFiber™ — brings us full square into delivering value across all three channels:

+ manufacturing the advanced composite structures for wind energy systems,
+ servicing the composite components of wind energy systems as a composites Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) contractor to integrators and wind farm operators, and
+ supplying composites-related raw materials and material and technology innovations to the wind energy sector.

“We believe that composites play an increasingly important role in driving financial success to wind farm development, and our integrated WindFiber™ approach will accelerate greater and more innovative use of composites in wind energy systems throughout North America. With WindFiber™, we are upping the game.”