From an article by Pat Eggert in The Dunn County News:
A lot is going on in sustainability here, and 50 local residents gathered Thursday at the First Congregational UCC Church in Menomonie to learn more about what is happening.
Linda Walsh, member of the steering committee of Sustainable Dunn, introduced panelists from the city, county and UW-Stout who reported on recent efforts.
“I think that sustainability is the most important area in which we participate,” Dunn County Board chair Steve Rasmussen told the group. “The County Board endorses sustainability, engages in it and tasked our staff to come up with a sustainability action plan. It was one of my priorities when I was first elected chair.”
“We’re very fortunate that the County Board has supported us,” Dunn County Planner Bob Colson told the group.
Plan of action
Some of the elements of the county plan are an eco-county resolution, a sustainability action plan charter, and a sustainability action plan, Colson said. The county approach has been to complete an internal process first.
An action plan, adopted in February of 2010, covers purchasing, energy, education and public policies.