Since last Friday over 430 individuals and local businesses have stood up to register their concern for Wisconsin solar and wind energy.
The PSC announced that comments will be accepted through Noon on Monday, August 12th. Also, they issued a document that indicated comments are being taken on the five specific issues the PSC Commissioners decided upon. Please visit RENEW’s website to learn more and add your voice by commenting in the PSC’s open docket 05-GF-191 (some additional tips for your comments are below).
On Issue #4 in your comment, please emphasize that obligations should be used rather than actual outlays to determine the amount of funding distributed for renewable energy incentives.
- Businesses need predictability and certainty to flourish and hire more employees. The on-again, off-again history with Focus on Energy incentives undermines the ability of renewable energy companies to maintain staffing levels, let alone plan for future growth. Consistency in expectations is what nurtures a market, not a lottery style incentive structure that no one can bank on.
- Ending these incentives for solar and wind renewables because the biogas, biomass, and geothermal projects are still in progress doesn’t make any sense. Even though the accounting is difficult, it’s not nearly as difficult as the impacts of lost jobs throughout Wisconsin.
- In the last five years the price of solar energy has dropped in half, making it a more affordable and cost effective option for customers. That trend should prompt the PSC to reconsider the idea of having Groups of renewables, because market conditions have changed quickly.
- Other states like Minnesota and Georgia have adopted pro solar policies to take advantage of this rapidly growing industry sector. How does Wisconsin gain from discouraging investment in clean energy and driving businesses to locate in other states?