From a news release issued by the Public Service Commission:
MADISON – The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) today announced that all 118 Wisconsin electric providers have met their renewable portfolio standards for 2007, 111 providers have exceeded the requirements for the year, and most are well on their way to meeting their increased obligations.
One key provision in 2005 Wisconsin Act 141 was an increase in the renewable portfolio standard, requiring Wisconsin retail electric providers to produce 10% of their electricity from renewable resources by the year 2015. For the years leading to 2015, Wisconsin utilities are required to report their progress in meeting the renewable milestones to the PSC. In 2007, Wisconsin utilities generated 114% of the 2007 requirement and as a result have excess renewable energy credits to use in the future.
“Although there are many challenges ahead, this report shows that Wisconsin is staying on a steady course to reaching Governor Doyle’s renewable energy goals,” said Chairperson Eric Callisto. “I commend the state’s electric utilities for their commitment to meeting Act 141 requirements, especially the nine utilities who have already met 2010 standards. I encourage utilities to continue their efforts and look forward to reviewing more proposed renewable projects in the future. . . .”
Currently, Wisconsin utilities generate about four percent of the state’s electricity from renewable resources – just under half of the requirements for the year 2015. In the past year, the PSC has approved several projects which will significantly increase renewable generation in the state, leading Wisconsin down the path of energy independence.